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Update from Anointed Tabernacle Church
Happy Birthday to YOU!

by Tati | October 13, 2009 12:53 PM

First...want to apologize...I do not know why the pictures are not showing up...we are working on that though, and should be up soon! DAY 3!!!! It is hard to believe that it is only Day 3, glad it is because that means there are a lot more days left...but there has just been so much that has been accomplished, it seems like so much longer that we must have been here:) So being Sunday....we arrived for church and started getting set up for Sunday School. As everyone arrived, it was bitter sweet. We missed all of the women, but it was still a great morning at church. We had great morning of worship, was able to see a baptism, heard the message from Brother Lane, in addition to a couple testimonies. It was so exciting to see Pastor Maganya's excitement about everything! Oh, and I cant forget that we celebrated a couple birthdays with the famous birthday song...including Ryan's! After church Ms. Maria cooked us another tasty meal and we changed so we could go back to work! When we arrived, the crew had been going hard all morning getting projects done to help us. The basketball court had finished hardening, we got to put the volleyball posts in, the drain is being dug, we accomplished the new clothes line, painted the playground, and so much more! And you should have seen it....the kids were supposed to, very carefully, walk over to the activity building....well that was funny. As soon as the door opened the kids flung their little bodies out to the door and started jumping on the swings! It was crazy!!!! But really...crazy amazing and very exciting! After a busy afternoon, we went back for a quick shower before church that night. We heard from Brother Mickey and a few other's giving their testimonies. AND we did the game again, where we come up with facts about either Texas or Belize...then have the other team try to guess what is true and false. They LOVED this!!! And i believe we all learned a little that we did not know. As church ended and everyone was going home, we pulled Ryan in the back and was able to sing happy birthday to him again and he blew out the candles on his cake that everyone got him. Ok...and Ryan...he took care of the cake (lol, it was really good!) More updates to come with the women later today, want to hear from them and have them all share with you. The team is at the Youth Hostel right now, and we plan to all meet up with the women in about an hour!!!!! Love you all bundles!!!!
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October 9, 2009 1:36 PM

Thanks for your committment to serving the Lord this week. The PPM staff and I are praying for you this week. Can wait to hear about how the Lord is using you.

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